
Living out love

Read inspiring stories of Jesus followers around the world and discover the next step on your journey to a fulfilled life.


By opening their home and inviting others to join them in studying the Bible, Esau and Alicia have seen God multiply their investment in hospitality.

Latest Stories

Rajes Paul attended her first Out of the Comfort Zone (OCZ) conference in 2012 to prepare for a 10-day outreach exposure trip to Himalayas. That time broke her and set her heart right, brought her closer to the Lord and excited to do the work God called her to do. “I went to Himalayas to bring help and hope, but I came back changed, recharged and blessed.”
Rajes Paul Cover
拉杰斯.保罗(RAJES PAUL)于2012年参加了她第一次的“走出安乐窝(OCZ)”营会,预备接下来10天前往喜马拉雅的短宣体验。那段期间让她崩溃,也让她的心更对焦,使她更亲近神,并对神呼召她去做的工作深感兴奋。 “我去喜马拉雅是为了带给他们帮助和希望,但是却带着被改变的自己,重新得力并被祝福回来。”


We want to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached.

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Global Perspectives

Penang, Malaysia :: Doulos Hope arrives into a new port.
Everywhere we look in our techno-digital age, we see a powerful wave of innovation, driven by understanding the needs and desires of others and how they can be served, oftentimes for profit. But is innovation reserved for global enterprise, science and mad geniuses, or is it within reach of individuals? Can we advance our mission through innovation as we empathise with the needs, challenges and hopes of people?  
A pastor disciples a group of people in India.
Within the span of a few generations, truth as an arbiter of reality has been assailed, deconstructed, distorted and devalued to the point where its existence and authority in the affairs of mankind are challenged. Once considered absolute, truth is being replaced by relative truth, rationalisation, contextual truth or personal, private truth that owe no accountability to anyone, especially Almighty God. As followers of Jesus, who declared, “I am the way, the truth and the life” (Jn.14:6, NIV) — not one among many — we must subject ourselves to the truth in all we think, say and do.