Shania raconte son histoire émouvante, dans laquelle elle a rencontré Jésus en rêve.
Now is the time for Somalia
Now is the time for Somalia
Somalia has been without an effective central government since President Siad Barre was overthrown in 1991. Years of fighting between rival warlords and later religious fractions, notably Al-Shabaab, and struck by famine, approximately one million people have died.
Comprised of a former British protectorate and an Italian colony, Somalia was created in 1960 when the two territories merged. Since then, its development has been hindered by territorial claims on Somali-inhabited areas of Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti, what is called “Greater Somalia”. In 1970 Mr. Barre proclaimed a socialist state, paving the way for close relations with the USSR. Somalia attempted to seize the Ogaden region of Ethiopia 1977, but was defeated due to Soviet and Cuban backing for Ethiopia, which had turned Marxist.
A number of Somali believers and foreign workers have given their life for the sake of the Kingdom. Several hundred secret believers in the country living under pressure. In spite of constant conflict, there is hope for the return of security and stability to Somalia.
OM has been searching for way to minister to the peoples of Somalia since the beginnings of its ministry in the region. However, the first serious attempt we made in the early 90s when a team was involved in relief work. Later teams have been reaching out to the Somali communities in the Greater Somalia. It is not until in the century that we ministry was focusing on the Somali people through a partnership between OM Arabian Peninsula and OM Sweden.
What we do, how we work
Our primary goal of living and working in Greater Somalia is to see the Kingdom of God established among the Somalis. This is done together with the Somali believers, as we try to support and facilitate the nationals. The link between the ministry in the Diaspora and the Greater Somalia is very strong. One of the most effective ministries is to facilitate conferences for the Muslim background believers (MBBs).
Evangelism: The internet ministry is the key factor of establishing contacts with seekers. This not bound to any geographic centre, which alllows more freedom in sharing. People on the ground in Greater Somalia work through friendship evangelism. We use media productions to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Relief and Development: We have been involved in relief programs among the thousands of refugees in Somalia, but mainly in Ethiopia and Kenya. The latter becoming a stronger focus as we have built up relationships with refugee communities, particularly in the Dhagahaley camp.
Professional Opportunities: Language teachers, business professionals, medical personnel, social and community development experience have numerous opportunities in Greater Somalia.
Mentoring and Discipleship: Through respectful and serious friendships mature believers can encourage and train nationals. OM offers training courses that are relevant to Somali believers.
Learning Somali: Learning the heart language is intrinsic to effective Gospel witness. A variety of language learning options are available within the region, ranging from formal classrooms to private tutors.
Short-Term Trips: Short-term programs ranging from one-week to two-years, offer participants opportunities to partner with existing OM teams or in partnership with other organisations.
How you can help
PRAY - Pray for this peace. Pray for the believers to have the freedom to worship.
GIVE - Support the Somali Ministry of OM at http://www.om.org/en/give.
GO - See open job opportunities with OM Contact info.arp@om.org for more information.
More information about Somalia