##CANCELLED## Refugee Relief - Womens and Childrens Focus (1 - 3 month option)

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Located near the border of Croatia, OM is providing help for the refugees passing through in two local refugee camps.

In Šid Family Camp we are running a 'Beauty Room' for women to come, relax, connect with us and each other and to have their hair or nails done. We also work with the children, organising simple games, playing sports, watching movies.

In Adaševci Camp we have our ‘Tea Tent' and run the camp laundry. You will be involved in providing drinks in the OM tea tent, keeping the tent area clean, working in the camp laundry, socialising with refugees, and sharing Christ's love with them while respecting the rules of the camp. The purpose of this mission is to serve the refugees passing through Serbia, to show the love of Jesus through relationship, activities and spending time

  • Language: It is a must that you understand and speak English. If you doubt your capability to communicate in English or are unsure, please ask your home office for more information. Languages present among the refugees are: Farsi, Pashto, Arabic, Urdu and Kurdish.

Das erwartet dich

You will work twice a week in the Family Camp, facilitating the women's 'Beauty Room' and planning simple activities for the children. You will have the opportunity to assist in the local churches with childrens church on a Sunday.

The remaining time, you will work a few days a week with our team in Adaševci camp, assisting in laundry, working in our 'Tea Tent' and socialising with the refugees (this camp is all single guys)

  • *We will provide assistance and resources, but we would love someone who would feel comfortable to run the 'Beauty Room' and childrens activities for the time you are here.


Age Range: 18-65

Should be flexible, have the ability to work in teams, easily adaptable to new circumstances, heart to serve and work among Muslims, and is able to work under the authority of the local OM team and government officials in the camp.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Will there be accommodation provided?

You will stay in the OM house in Šid, Serbia with others volunteering at them same time. Do not expect to have a single room.

Ist Verpflegung eingeschlossen?

We do not provide meals, our OM house has a kitchen. Self-catering is around 6-8€ a day, which is extra to the monthly fee paid.

Muss ich meine An- und Abreise selbst planen?

You are responsible to arrange and pay for your transport here. Travel to and from the camps is included in your monthly fee. Fly into Belgrade airport. We can arrange airport pick up and drop off for an additional 30€ each way. Or you can arrange bus/train to Šid or Sremska Mitrovica in Serbia. Tovarnik in Croatia is also close by.

Wie sollte mein Gesundheitszustand sein?

If you have allergies or some medical history (depression, food disorder etc.) please make sure to point that out to the sending field BEFORE arranging your trip. The conditions at the camp are poor and diseases can spread easily. Make sure you have the basic hygiene and medical supplies with you that you need.

Brauche ich ein Visum?

Anyone with a European passport, not needing a visa for EU countries, or in possession of a Schengen visa can enter Serbia. Otherwise we are not able to provide an invitation letter for visas. Please check with your home office for more information.

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Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB

Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).

General enquiries: www.uk.om.org/contact-us
Short-term mission opportunities: [email protected]

[email protected]

01691 773388